Monday, December 12, 2011

:( grrrrr

i flippen hate being sick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and now i can barely talk THIS SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

I love you

so many ways to say it but non mean a thing to me unless its coming form you!!! <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3

so true!!!

I focus on the pain............
its the only thing thats real in this world


you ask what is the cause of my pain
but I will never answer
I try to fake it
but you see right through my lies
I can't stand to see you anymore
your the thing that has me torn
breaking away the seams of my  life one by one
you are what has me torn
I should have seen through all your lies
but you put a viel over my eyes
how could I be so dumb...............
not to know what would come of you and me
it was never really meant to be
now every touch makes my skin crawl
what there once was
was never real at all
sick of hearing about you and her
cause I really don't care anymore
I wish you could quit making it harder on me
smiling that sweet smile
it like a cover up story
all those times you said I was pretty
looking back it makes me sick
can't believe I fell for you
I mean you and I are fire and ice
completely different in every way
I got a few questions
all I really want to know is...........
does she know
about all the times we kissed
or all the times I cried
knowing it wasn't meant to be
but holding on anyway
does she know she is taking a young girls heart and breaking it in half?!?!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

poetry of the dark variaty

You left me broken and bleeding,
After all this time my heart is still healing,
I just don't know what to do,
The nights are long and cold without you,
As I lay here and cry myself to sleep,
Waiting on nothing but bad dreams :(

my research project yay!!!!!!!!!

Hunger games research project!!!!!!
My topic is oppressive governments, I choose this topic because in the book The Hunger Games they have a government called the capitol and it is a oppressive government to them. There are 12 districts surrounding the capitol I can only tell about one though. There were 13 until the districts revolted against the capitol and the 13th district was destroyed. So now every year they have the hunger games which is when they take a boy and girl tribute from each district and put them all in a arena together and they fight to the death until one tribute is left then they are crowned the winner and go home a hero and live in luxury until their death of natural causes.

In order to show how the capitol was oppressive I researched various oppressive governments and how they can affect the people who live there. My results were that living under an oppressive government is very hard to express yourself and you cant make your own choices.

The small ways people protest oppressive governments!
While searching my topic I found a lot of things I didn't know before like in Thailand they did a campaign called panties for peace. What they did was mail out panties and occasionally male underwear to embassys around Thailand to promote awareness about military violations especially against women including rape and sexual violence. The inspiration was that ruling generals were superstitious and thought that touching woman's undergarments would reduce their powers! I thought that was a great idea!!!!(small ways) I also found out that some people believe that our government is oppressive and that we need to revolt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(rebecca)

The truth are they good or bad?
Honestly it depends on your opinion about it, so basically its whatever you believe!(ME!!!!!)

Works Cited
"Human Rights in North Korea - Human Rights Abuses, North Korean Human Rights Violations." Civil Liberties at - Your Guide to Civil Liberties News and Issues. Web. 06 Dec. 2011. <>.
Rebecca, Rev. "The US Government's Oppression of the Poor, Homeless, and Orphaned." Franciscan-Anglican. Rev. Rebecca. Web. 06 Dec. 2011. <>.
"Small Ways to Protest an Oppressive Government." The Daily Beast. Web. 06 Dec. 2011. <>.